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ISS MMA is a part of "Science Days of TU-Sofia" and it is organized by the Technical University of Sofia - Department "Electrical Measurements", Department "Precision Engineering and Measurement Instruments" and the Bulgarian Section of IEEE and with the attendance of Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Academical Association of Metrology and Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. The ISS MMA 2023 provides insights to the latest achievements in metrology and metrology assurance. Traditional participants are representatives of state and private companies, metrological services, technical universities, licensed laboratories, international and Bulgarian measurement equipment companies.
Main topics: General aspects of metrology. Measurement methods. Unity and accuracy of measurements; Sensors, transducers and devices for measurement of physical quantities; Measurement and information systems and technologies; Measurements in the industry; Acoustics measurements, vibration measurements and diagnostics; Measurements in the electrical power engineering; Measurements in the ecology, biotechnology, medicine, and sport; Metrology Practice; Measurement in the humanities and social science; Quality management and control, standardization, certification, accreditation
The International Scientific and Technical Conference "Automation of Discrete Production Engineering" from 1998 is held annually within the scientific days of the Technical University of Sofia.
The conference is attended by scientists from Bulgaria, Germany, Czech Republic, Georgia, Belarus, Serbia, Macedonia and others.
The conference is organized by the Department of ADP of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU-SOFIA and the NSTS "Automation of Discrete Production Engineering" - STU "Mechanical Engineering".
The subject of the conference is in the field of Mechatronics, Automation of Discrete Production Engineering, Industrial Robots, CAD/CAM/CAE Systems and Virtual Engineering.
All submitted papers are "Single blind" pre review and the accepted ones are published in the Scientific Newsletter of the Union of Mechanical Engineers ISSN-1310-3946
Main topics: Theoretical Problems of Discrete Production Engineering Automation; Machines and Technologies for Automated Discrete Production Engineering; Parts Flow Automation; Industrial Robots and Robotic Complexes; Assembly Automation; Mechatronics; Control Systems for Discrete Production Engineering; Innovation and Engineering in Discrete Production Engineering; CAD/CAM/CAE Systems and Virtual Engineering
International Scientific and Technical Conference Computer Aided Design New Strategies for Mechanical Design has been held annually since 2014 during the Science Days of TU-Sofia. The conference is attended by scientists from all over the country and from technical universities abroad - Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and others. The main organizer of the conference is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of TU-Sofia. The theme of the conference is in the field of mechatronics, automation and CAD systems modern tools for designing the robotics of discrete production. There are five main scientific directions. The priorities are mainly in the innovations, methods, technologies and constructions of the mechatronic systems and CAD systems, as the reports are approved in advance by the program committee. Participation in the conference is free.
Main topics: Mechanical Engineering and Transportation Electrical Engineering and Control Systems Computer Engineering and Systems Engineering Education